Seminar: legal and ethical issues involving litigation matters and the media
Randolph T. Barker will serve as moderator for an October 31, 2011 program discussing the legal and ethical issues associated with high profile litigation matters and the media. The program is a continuing education program for lawyers, offered by the Labor and Employment Section of the Washtenaw County Bar Association.
Full text of invite:
The Washtenaw County Bar Association’s
invites you to a mini-seminar lunch meeting:
Noon – 2:00, Monday, October 31, 2011
200 N. Main St., Lower Level, Ann Arbor
So, your case is in the media?
Practical, legal and ethical advice from those who have been there.
Panelists will include:
- Dawn Phillips Hertz, Counsel to Butzel, is a First Amendment specialist who represented the Michigan Press Association and was inducted into the Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame.
- James Carty, Bodman, LLP, is a former award-winning journalist with the Ann Arbor News and New York Times, and now practices complex commercial litigation.
- Charles Borgsdorf, Hooper Hathaway, has taught legal ethics at U of M Law School, serves on the State Bar Character and Fitness Committee, and practices various litigation matters and alternative dispute resolution.
- Nicholas Roumel, Nacht Law, has learned many lessons in dealing with the media, chiefly through his long-time representation of U of M athletes and various civil cases.
- Randolph Barker, Berry Moorman will moderate.
Please R.S.V.P. to Candy at or call (734) 994-4912 by noon, Thursday, October 27, 2011.