For over 90 years, Berry Moorman has been dedicated to helping clients overcome the challenges of the present and prepare for future opportunities. Whether you are an individual, small business, or a large corporation, our attorneys are dedicated to delivering skilled legal counsel and exceptional service to our clients.

Impact of No-Fault Automobile Reform: PIP: Medical Coverage Options
By: Anthony McHugh
To drive legally in Michigan, state law requires the purchase of no-fault automobile insurance. This includes Personal Injury Protection benefits, often referred to as “PIP.” In general, this includes medical bills, medical mileage, attendant care, work loss, and replacement services.

Donations made for purpose of benefitting a specific individual
By: Sandro DiMercurio
This article explores one type of “designated” donations a nonprofit charitable organization may receive and explains the rights and responsibilities of both the donor and the charitable organization with respect to each.

12 Ways Estate Planning Can Benefit You
By: Patrice M. Ticknor
An effective estate plan usually includes a will, a trust, a durable general power of attorney, and a designation of patient advocate. It is well worth the time and effort to put an estate plan into place because the plan will enable you to achieve important protections for yourself and your family.

Pets in Divorce
By: John Schrort
Today most owners consider their pets as family members, but how pets are treated in a divorce may depend upon which state has jurisdiction of your case. In Michigan, in divorce and/or separation proceedings pets are still considered to be personal property, and therefore possession best interest laws do not mandatorily apply to them.

Employment Myths Busted... Again
By: David Foy and Rachel Selina
The Internet’s vast resources provide employees with access to information about employment laws and regulations – which may be inaccurate or taken out of proper context. This is becoming increasingly true in response to employers’ handling of COVID-19 restrictions, vaccination mandates, and work from home policies. Follow the link below to learn the truth about some common myths new and old.