Berry Moorman Attorney John J. Schrot, Jr. Gives Presentation on Family Law Topics
John J. Schrot, Jr. spoke on the family law topics of property division and economic issues at a seminar hosted by the Oakland County Bar Association. The Association’s Continuing Legal Education Committee annually conducts an Introduction to Practice Series in five sessions, which addresses practice in Circuit, District, Family, and Probate courts. The final installment features Law Practice Management. The series is for any newly-admitted attorneys or those attorneys who are expanding or changing the focus of their practice. Various experienced attorneys and judges were asked to speak upon subjects of which they have expertise.
The mission of the Oakland County Bar Association is to serve the professional needs of its members, improve the justice system, and ensure the delivery of qualify legal services to the public.
Mr. Schrot’s practice involves family law, including issues involving property division and economic issues, and business law.