In this month’s American Bar Association Journal, I read an article discussing attorney Mark Cushing’s book entitled “Pet Nation: The Inside Story of How Companion Animals Are Transforming Our Homes, Culture and Economy.” The subject of his book is the generational...
By: John J. Schrot Jr. If you are reading this you may be contemplating the prospect of divorce. Divorce is a significant decision, which undoubtedly will alter your life. A decision to divorce should be measured. A divorce generally takes much more financial and...
Berry Moorman P.C. attorney John Schrot was often quoted in a June, 2020 American Bar Association Family Law article entitled “Divorce lawyers say technology changes may outlive the COVID-19 pandemic.” Family law attorneys and spouses have had to...
Berry Moorman Attorney and Shareholder John J. Schrot, Jr., recently paneled a Continuing Legal Education webinar on the topic of substance use and abuse and its impact on child custody determinations. John Schrot and Jessica Prince, Policy Counsel at the Bronx...
Berry Moorman attorney John Schrot spoke on September 21, 2019 at the 2019 Family Law Section Annual Meeting of the Michigan State Bar. He addressed the vision, goals and history of the Family Division of the Circuit Court. More than 20 years ago the Family Division...
By John J. Schrot, Jr. Be careful if and when you light up, or otherwise consume, marijuana, as you may get burned. Recreational marijuana has just become legal in Michigan (i.e. 10 days after the November 6, 2018 election results are certified) – at least at the...