Tensor Chess Android is the product of a longtime client of Berry Moorman P.C., Tensor Chess LLC. This modified chess game has garnered unprecedented support from the Worldwide chess community. In fact, over forty Grandmasters from around the world have endorsed Tensor Chess in writing, including five World Champions, five Russian National Champions, and four U.S. National Champions. Multiple Chess organizations, including the Russian Chess Federation, the Russian Ministry of Sports, and most notably the Russian Academy of Sciences which lauded the invention for its educational value.
Berry Moorman P.C. has assisted Tensor Chess LLC over the past few years by leveraging its extensive network of marketing specialists, graphic designers, programmers, intellectual property attorneys and World Champion Grandmasters to facilitate the development of a framework that is responsible for bringing the Tensor Chess brand to market.
The Tensor Chess Android Application packs impressive features, including custom developed Artificial Intelligence Platform that continually learns in a process of machine learning, multiplayer live play server, and many more of the most popular features available in today’s hottest mobile games.
The Tensor Chess prototype game was first introduced to a Worldwide audience during the 2014 FIDE World Championship tournament held in Sochi, Russia. During the 2016 FIDE World Chess Championship tournament held in New York City, Tensor Chess took stage at the Fulton Street Market Venue with its beta release of Tensor Chess Android 2.0, a pre-market version of the currently commercially available product.
On July 20, 2017, Berry Moorman P.C. facilitated the commercial release of the Tensor Chess Android Application to a limited number of markets, including the United States, Russian Federation, Australia, UK, Ukraine, Georgia, and Canada.
Following its successful and extremely well received launch, Tensor Chess LLC has been invited to attend the FIDE World Cup tournament in Tbilisi, Georgia in September 2017 which will be attended by 125 of the World’s top Grandmasters.
For additional information regarding game development, negotiation of contracts with developers, platforms like Goggle Play and other vendors, and negotiation of celebrity endorsements, contact Randolph Wright or Simon Edelstein at our firm’s Birmingham, MI office 248-645-9680.