Berry Moorman welcomes Timothy E. Harden as an associate to the firm. Mr. Harden has been in practice for 13 years, concentrating on tax law, business law, and estate planning. He received his law degree from University of Michigan Law School, and a master’s in...
Year-End Income Tax Considerations – The conventional plan of accelerating deductions and deferring income into the next year may not be appropriate. The midterm elections have changed the chemistry of the US Legislature, but taxpayers will have to wait to see...
Your Independent Contractors – Are you using independent contractors who aren’t all that independent? Are you using independent contractors who aren’t all that independent? Are you tired of reading articles from lawyers and accountants warning you...
Estate Tax Savings Using Life Insurance Trusts – reducing federal estate tax liability. One of the most effective ways of reducing federal estate tax liability is through the use of an irrevocable life insurance trust. Unlike our former Michigan Inheritance...