On June 28th, 2007, the firm’s Business Practice Group presented a seminar “Doing Business in Russia: Opportunities and Challenges” at Automation Alley. The presentation was well received by the attendees, and offered participants a view on the modern Russian business climate. Featured speakers included representatives from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, CSM Worldwide, Sun Microsystems (Moscow), Alternative M Consulting (Moscow), Baker Tilley Russaudit (Moscow), Global Financial Solutions, and Randolph Wright of the firm’s International Practice Group. The speakers identified business opportunities within Russia, described the automotive and OEM structure within Russia, explained the various choices of entity structure available, discussed franchising, taxation and security issues, and highlighted the banking and regulatory environment for foreign investors. The seminar also provided valuable, first-hand accounts of the various speakers’ challenges, obstacles and success stories as experienced within the Russian marketplace. Berry Moorman would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that participated and attended the event.
The seminar materials are now available (PowerPoint 1.3mb).