Trademarks and Service Marks You can register your business logo, name, “doing business as” name, tag line, or phrase as a Trademark or Service Mark (“Mark”). If it is used online, federal registration of your Mark through the United States Patent and Trademark Office...
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Offers Copyright Owners Protection For Internet Content Picture it: Your significant time and effort creating a content-rich, customer friendly business website is paying off with rave reviews and new business. Now picture this: a few...
Invisible Trademark Infringement on the Internet – One controversial technique of attracting traffic. With the rise in popularity of the Internet and the vast commercial possibilities it offers, competition is fierce to attract Internet users to individual...
The Interplay between Domain Names and Trademarks – legitimate disputes often arise in the registration of domain names. The rapid growth of the Internet has spawned legal disputes over ownership rights in Internet addresses or “domain names.” As the...
Shareholder Communications in Cyberspace – cost effective rate than traditional paper-based methods. The increase in the use of the Internet and other forms of electronic communication over the past several years has led to many changes in the methods used by...